Pastor's Advisory Teams
“Two are better than one: They get a good wage for their toil. If the one falls, the other will help the fallen one. But woe to the solitary person! If that one should fall, there is no other to help. Where one alone may be overcome, two together can resist. A three-ply cord[ is not easily broken.” Ecclesiates 4:9-10,12
Leadership in our community is vital to the future of our parish.
Legacy Committee provides advice and counsel to the pastor in support of the vision and the future physical infrastructure needs of the parish. Members include: Peter Anderson, Rob Berling. Art Brannen, Ryan Coleman, Adrienne Froemelt, Mike Messner, John Spalding, Mildred Spalding, Carter Stout, and Dan Walter.
Finance Committee assists the pastor in the management of parish resources in order to carry out the identified missions of the parish. Finance Committee Members: Mary Barrett, Rob Berling, Justin Coleman, Stephen Murphy, John Spalding, Donald Thurman, Dan Walter (Staff: Michelle Rivers, and Kelly Schreckenberger).
Cornerstone 125/150 works with the pastor to develop and execute plans to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Dedication of our parish and looks ahead to 2030 (the 150th anniversary of the founding of our parish). Members include: Ralph Bailey, Fran Carroll, Carlos Correa, Phil Taylor, Jim Tortorelli, Patrick Waldron (Staff: Dcn. Marino Gonzalez, Humberto Quintas, and Kelly Schreckenberger).
Leadership Team: Works with the pastor to provide strategic oversight of parish discipleship efforts and assists in evaluating the fruitfulness of those efforts. Members include: Rob Berling, Janet Kinard, Tim Langan, (Staff: Deacon Mike Balfour, Kelly Schreckenberger).
For Such a Time as This Ambassadors: Members include: Mary Barrett, Rob Berling, Justin Coleman, Ryan Coleman, Carlos Correa, Xavier Duralde, Adrienne Froemelt, Janet Kinard, John Spalding, Mildred Spalding, Phil Taylor, (Staff: Deacon Mike Balfour, Kelly Schreckenberger).
Pastoral Team: Assists the pastor with the day-to-day Pastoral needs of the parish: Deacon Mike Balfour, Deacon Pablo Cepeda, Deacon Marino Gonzalez, and Kelly Schreckenberger